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Social program strategy for an international Non-Governmental Organization

  • Title : Social program strategy for an international Non-Governmental Organization
  • Tags : Strategy, Donors, Non-Governmental Organization, Operating model

International Non-Governmental Organization

Design and implement a program to promote self-employment and develop the startup and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the periphery of Beirut.
  • Objectives
  • Approach
  • Result

The client is an international Non- Governmental, Non-Profit Organization with projects in 10+ countries including Lebanon There is an entrepreneurial “desert” in the periphery of Beirut due to:

Dire economic conditions that are pushing young adults to seek the security of employment rather than facing the risk of entrepreneurship
The majority of initiatives (funding, training, mentoring/coaching, competitions, incubators, etc.) to unlock entrepreneurship are focused on Beirut
As a result, future entrepreneurs are left with no choice but to leave for the Capital/emigrate

SW Consulting’s approach consisted of the flowing steps:

1. Developed a baseline:

a. Conducted a target group analysis (5 focus groups, a survey with 115 respondents)
- Identified the relevant target groups and validated their relevance
- Identified the target groups’ opinions towards self-employment
- Identified the needs that should be addressed to unlock self-employment

b. Developed an economic sector analysis (extensive desktop research and 25+ stakeholder interviews)
- Identified the prominent sectors and subsectors that present the most self-employment opportunities for each target group
- Evaluated the sectors and target groups readiness
- Designed key initiatives to unlock self-employment opportunities

c. Conducted a gap analysis
- Identified the gaps in private and donor/NGO funding
- Identified the gaps in government, donor and NGO assistance

2. Developed a list of initiatives that increase sector and target group readiness towards self-employment

3. Structured the initiatives into relevant programs with clear objectives

4. Defined the short-term outputs, medium-term outcomes, and long-term impacts (“Theory of Change”)

5. Identified the key capabilities needed to ensure the success of the program and designed the program’s operating model
  • Identified 50+ development areas (example: olive oil, wood artisan, business process outsourcing, etc.) across 10 sectors
  • Derived 19 initiatives to unlock self-employment potential within the development areas
  • Received Board of Director's approval for implementation of the program in the next 12 months